Make a

Project Angel Fares, through the generosity of our donors, valued partners and volunteers, covers the costs associated with bringing a family to San Antonio from across the state or the country. To learn more about how you can help, please contact us today.

If you share the Project Angel Fares vision,
then please consider making a gift today.

If donating by check:
Project Angel Fares
P.O. Box 460608
San Antonio, TX 78233

Donate Now

Project Angel Fares hosts our annual Charity Golf Classic and needs helping hands.

Volunteers are essential for our events to run smoothly and we would love to have you join us.

become a


Our mission of making dreams a reality would not be possible without our partners.

If you are interested in becoming one of our valued partners, we would love to here from you.

Become a Partner

Application is now open!